Live * Love * Laugh

Live * Love * Laugh

Monday, November 10, 2014

Hate the tired feeling....

One of the biggest changes I have noticed in my life in the last 4 years is how my energy levels have changed. Low energy and fatigue wasn't new to me prior to SBS because thanks to Crohn's Disease I was either fighting anemia or low B-12 levels. When I lost most of my large intestines in the early 1990's, I also lost my ileocecal valve which separates the large and small intestines along with absorbing the vitamin B-12. Your body doesn't store B-12 like it does iron so the best way for me to increase my B-12 levels is to get monthly shots, which I have been doing for many years now. Lack of B-12 causes tiredness and fatigue but once I get my shot I can notice a difference.

This is how I feel sometimes!
When my Crohn's is active, I have been anemic and fought low iron counts.When your red blood cell numbers are low, supplements can help bring your numbers into the correct range and give you more energy. Iron pills always used to make me severely ill so I couldn't take them. Over the years, I have had iron and blood transfusions to increase my blood counts and energy levels. 

Thankfully both my B-12 and iron levels are in the normal range but I still feel tired. My fatigue is more related to malabsorption caused by having Short Bowel Syndrome. By following the Maximize Health! diet and also taking IV fluids daily, my body is able to absorb the nutrients it needs to keep my body going without the aid of TPN. Even with doing those things, I am still not absorbing all the nutrients a normal person does. If I do too many things in a day or several days in a row, I am completely exhausted. My mind still hasn't caught up to my body in terms of what I think I can and can't do. I try to manage my activities so I don't overdo things (or more likely I look at the calender and realize I over-booked myself on accident) so I have the energy to take care of my self and my boys. When I have over-booked things, there is nothing like a good nap (and sometimes just a power nap) to give me a enough energy to get through the day. Sometimes I take a few "down" days to recharge when I am really tired. Many times, Mike will remind me to lie down or cancel things so I don't overdo it. My mind still thinks I have the energy to keep going like the Energizer Bunny I used to be, even thought it's been over 4 years I still forget I am not the same.

Please don't be offended if I pass on an event or not sign-up for something, it's not about's me looking out for myself. So if you happen to see me closing my eyes for a few minutes or napping, I am just trying to recharge so I can keep Living, Loving and Laughing!