Live * Love * Laugh

Live * Love * Laugh

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Happy 5th Anniversary to me!

I can't believe that 5 years ago my life changed forever! I expected the scheduled exploratory surgery to result in a "simple" bowel resection like I had had in the past. Short Bowel Syndrome, an ileostomy and TPN were not figured into that equation. As I look back on the past 5 years, I can't believe how far I have come. Family and friends rallied around us in the early days to make sure that someone was with me when I was too weak to be by myself, watching the boys, organizing meals for all my guys or just keeping Mike company in the hospital. 

Whenever I remind Mike of this anniversary, I get the "look" that he would rather not remember it. February 3, 2010 was different for me than it was for him. I just remember waiting for surgery and waking 2 days later surrounded by family in the ICU. I can't imagine what Mike and our family went through in the waiting room during the surgery. Mike has told me that it was very intense especially when my surgeon finally came out and gave them the news of how bad things were but that I was still alive and fighting. The next several months were hard on all of us but slowly I turned a corner and got stronger and started to resume some activities.

5 years later, life is good, the boys are growing and thriving, Mike and I are getting older together. Connecting with others in similar situations makes me feel fulfilled more than I can ever have imagined. I wouldn't be here without the skills of Dr. L, who saved my life for which I can never thank him enough. Without the support and knowledge of ThriveRx, we would never have gotten through those early days when TPN was very confusing but then to teach me the correct things to eat & drink to help me get off TPN. 

We will not be having a big party or anything but today will always be a special day on my calendar because it has allowed me to keep Living, Loving and Laughing with everyone I meet!

I live for these guys! The keep me laughing! Love them tons!