Live * Love * Laugh

Live * Love * Laugh

Sunday, April 12, 2015

It''s been awhile....

I have this mental list of things to do that sometimes get written down to make things easier to track. Well writing blog posts needs to be a the top of all my lists in BIG CAPITAL LETTERS so I don't keep pushing it farther down the list. Writing posts are not a chore, but finding the time to do it can be hard,  if I could figure out how to write while in the shower or driving, you would see a ton of posts! So I apologize for how long it's been since my last post but promise to be better about it.

Since my last post, I have missed writing about webinars, awareness days/weeks/months, conferences and most importantly how I live with SBS. The other day I posted on Facebook about a campaign to stop the CDC from running an anti-smoking ad that featured a lady who got colo-rectal cancer from smoking which resulted in surgery to remove a portion of her intestines and was left with an ostomy. She states that she has "hole in her abdomen to collect waste" and was afraid of the smell and of it coming off at the wrong times. While I understand what the CDC is trying to do but I feel the way the message is presented perpetuates the negative connotation of having an ostomy. 

After that FB post, I was contacted by an old friend who has recently undergone surgery which resulted in a colostomy. After exchanging stories and offering support, I realized that by not posting for such a long time I was unable to reach others with SBS, ostomies or fed by IV nutrition to offer support. If I can help one person feel less alone with any medical challenge, them this blog is worth it. When I was faced with the unknown world of living with SBS, an ileostomy and TPN, meeting someone who had been through the same things and had been living a functional life, made my future that more bright. I hope I can be that bright light for someone else so they may continue to Live, Love& Laugh