Live * Love * Laugh

Live * Love * Laugh

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Safety in an emergency..a Strap Wrap!

When emergencies happen, seconds count. When I used to cycle, I wore a RoadID dog tag that had my name and emergency contact information. The RoadID made me feel comfortable knowing that if anything every happened when I was on the road by myself (like that ever, EMS would know who I was and who to contact. My husband and son both have one also. Before Alex had his drivers license, I used to make him wear it when I felt uncomfortable with large groups of people (like amusement parks or something like that.) I still have that my original dog tag and the information has changed much, I just don't wear it cycling anymore. 

Not long after I started on TPN, I was given a "Strap Wrap" to carry around with me. It holds all my important medical information about Doctors, emergency contacts, medical conditions and medicines.The wrap can go around my purse handle, seat belt or TPN  Backpack and the bright red is visible to EMS responders. It's small enough to fit in small purses but color makes it easy to spot. ThriveRx supplies them to anyone on TPN and will also update the information as you need it. It's a great way to stay safe in an emergency.

The grandmother of the cute little guy in the picture below came up with the idea of the Strap Wrap to keep her grandson safe with hemophilia safe during an accident.

If you know of anyone that would like one, please send me a message and I will get you one. Keeping people safe to Live, Love and Laugh longer is always a good thing!