Live * Love * Laugh

Live * Love * Laugh

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Need Help Please! FDA changes could impact those on TPN

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while (really long time!) bu it's been summer, kids are home and we have been busy. There really should be no excuse to not blog so I apologize for that but I am asking for your help. Anyone who reads my blog knows that 5 1/2 years ago, I had a major surgery that resulted in Short Bowel Syndrome, which required the need for Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN). TPN gave me the calories my body couldn't absorb naturally from food. TPN is made by compounding pharmacies that have special licencing, pharmacists and dietitian's that work with Physicians to make sure the formulation each patient receives is finely tuned for them. I was fortunate that my surgeon recommended ThriveRx as my infusion company, I have received personalized and superior care. ThriveRx and other infusion companies have pharmacies across the country. Many patients have their TPN shipped to them because they live in a different state than where their pharmacy is located or have travel needs for work, leisure or more importantly, medical visits. 

The FDA has a proposal to change the way infusion pharmacies ship their products across state lines, severely limiting the ability of patients to choose the best pharmacy for their needs, the ability to travel or received the best quality of care.The FDA's proposal is called the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and the FDA is accepting comments until Monday July 20th about how this proposal would affect people on TPN. If you know of anyone that uses a compounding pharmacy for TPN or other medications, please submit your comment as to how this would affect your lives. The FDA is wanting to learn more and now is your time to sahre your experience. Below is the link to submit your comment and more information about the MOU.

By making your voices heard, you can help others continue to Live, Love and Laugh while on TPN.

You can find more information at: