Live * Love * Laugh

Live * Love * Laugh

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Summer & our anniversary went by too quickly...

It's been awhile since I posted anything. Summer went by way to quickly and was uneventful, no major trips or vacations this year. The 2 younger boys had a short summer due to the schools changing their calendar around. My oldest packed up and moved to college, the mom in me is sad but excited for him at the same time. As usual once school starts our anniversary gets mixed in with all the back to school events. This year Mike and I celebrated our Silver anniversary this year, 25 years! What an accomplishment in this day and age!

It doesn't seem like it's been 25 years, time has gone so fast. We have had the usual ups and downs during our marriage, health, jobs and financial issues like most people. Crohn's was a part of my life before Mike came into the picture and he watched me go through a few flares before our wedding, so he knew what he was getting into. Things happened quickly when I needed surgery within a year of our wedding. We drove to the Cleveland Clinic for a second opinion and we were both surprised when the GI performed a sigmoidoscopy while Mike was in the room. So much for privacy! The surgery went went well and kept me in remission for a few more years when a second surgery was required. My surgeon at the time was concerned about having enough large bowel left to reconnect and said I might have a colostomy afterwards. The thought of having a colostomy at 27 scared me a lot, I perceived it as an "old persons thing" and thought it would be smelly and noticeable.  We still wanted to start a family but knew my health was an issue so I went ahead with the surgery. Even then Mike didn't balk at the idea of me having an ostomy, if it gave me my health back then he was all for it.

After my surgeries in 2010, I started to get more involved in social media groups for Crohn's, Short Bowel and ostomies, it amazed me how many people would post about spouses not being supportive of the health issues, ostomies and the stress involved with living with  chronic conditions. Some even posted that their spouse or significant other left or threatened to leave them if they had an ostomy. It shocks me that people look at the ostomy so superficially. Mike can't believe the posts I've read him either. He doesn't see the ostomy as a part of me, he just wants me by his side.

I firmly believe that I wouldn't be where I am without Mike by my side. He has been my biggest cheerleader, supporter and friend. He has encouraged and pushed me to get healthy so I can be the best mom and wife I can. He encourages me in my advocacy and desire to help others. Things haven't always been rosy but I wouldn't trade the last 25 years with Mike for anything in the world! He has kept me Living, Loving and Laughing (even through the tears) for 25 years and I look forward to many more years with him by my side!

Mike and I last fall.

All my boys! The ones I live for!