Live * Love * Laugh

Live * Love * Laugh

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thank a caregiver!

Happy Thanksgiving 2015! This is by far my favorite holiday, I get to celebrate the day with family, food and the Thanksgiving Day Parade. I've always loved the parade but 2 years ago it took on more meaning as we got to watch our oldest son march in the 87th annual Macy's Parade. Bright and early that cold morning we found our spot along 59th Street and waited patiently for our band to make their way along the parade route. Recognizing our kids and directors march by was awesome after all those hours of practice leading up to that day.

Thanksgiving has become more commercialized over the years with all the early Christmas shopping (I personally consider this sacrilegious, but that's only my opinion) but November is also recognized as "Family Caregiver Month". Caregivers give so much of their time looking after their loved ones that they tend to put their own needs on the back burner, increasing their risk for chronic conditions of their own. This years theme is "R.E.S.P.I.T.E - Care for Caregivers", highlights the fact that by giving your caregivers a time-out to rest and take care of themselves, burnout will decrease and family relationships will strengthen. RESPITE isn't a luxury for caregivers, its a necessity to avoid burnout and prevent medical issues. Just as an ill family member can become depressed and tired of their condition, the caregiver can feel overwhelmed with dealing with doctor appointments, insurance & financial issues, taking care of the home and rest of the family that they forget about themselves. Here are some helpful hints to care for the caregiver in your life:

R - Rest & Relaxation
E - Energize
S - Sleep
P - Programs that can help
I - Imagination
T - Take 5
E - Exhale

As we head into the busy holiday season, take a few minutes to plan a gift of RESPITE to the caregivers you know, whether it's a family member, friend or neighbor taking care of a parent, spouse or child with complex medical issues. Take them shopping, give them a massage or mani/pedi gift card, provide care for their loved ones so they can get a check up, read a book or take a walk around the block, set up a schedule of meals so they don't have to worry about cooking everyday. Sometimes it's the small things that make the difference. By giving so much of themselves, caregivers can help their loved one stay home up to 3 times longer and stay out of hospitals and nursing care. Many caregivers won't ask for things for themselves so do it for them.

I am thankful for all those who have cared for me when I really needed it, their support allowed me to keep Living, Loving and Laughing but was also hard on them. I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving to enjoy the people they are with.


You can find more ways to support a caregiver at these sites:
National Family Caregivers -
ARCH National Respite Network -
Caregiver Action Network -
ThriveRx Caregiver Support Webinar -