Live * Love * Laugh

Live * Love * Laugh

Monday, April 9, 2018

Central Lines...a webinar with everything you need to know

If you've read my blog in the past, you know that I have a port-a-cath in my chest for my hydration infusions. I have been lucky to have kept the same port for 8 years with only one line infection (fingers crossed that I am not jinxing myself!). Most lines don't last nearly that long due to many different reasons. 

What is a port-a-cath you ask? It's a type of Central Venous Catheter or Central line which is like a permanent IV line that is used for medications, chemotherapy, blood draws and nutrition support. Types of Central lines include ports, tunneled lines such as Hickman or Groshong lines, and PICC lines. They can be placed in your arm or chest and are threaded through a large vein and which near your heart. 

Originally I had a PICC line when I left the hospital but knew I was going to get a more permanent line to infuse my TPN at home. A PICC line is inserted in your arm and is harder to care for by yourself since you only have 1 hand to use for cleaning and accessing the line so I knew that it wasn't the type of line I wanted for the long run. After consulting with my surgeon about types of lines and my lifestyle, we decided on placing a port. A port allows me to de-access it for swimming and bathing since the main part is under the skin. While on vacation during the summer, I will sometimes access/de-access it daily so I can swim and play in the water with our boys.  This was especially necessary when I first had SBS & TPN and our kids were 7,8 & 13. I still have to cover it up for showering or bathing so the line doesn't become wet. I do miss using the hot tub in the evenings with Mike after the boys went to bed because it was a good way to unwind and reflect on the day. With minor adjustment on how I do things and dress, my central line is not a hindrance to me but a lifesaver. 

Taking care of my line is very important so I only allow Mike or myself to access the line unless it's an emergency. Each week when I get my delivery from ThriveRx, I make up a line kit of things I need when accessing my port. It includes a central line dressing kit, a huber needle, alcohol swabs, Bio-Patches, Tegaderm, end caps and sterile gloves to fit Mike's hands. I also need saline & heparin flushes and curos caps to flush my line line before and after I infuse my fluids. Aquaguard & tape come in handy when I am taking a shower. 

If you are new to central lines or have questions about infection prevention, ThriveRx is hosting a webinar this Thursday April 12th @ 4pm EST titled "CVC Infections: Locking them up". Lloydette and Kristie, two of ThriveRx's Nurse Navigators, have tons of central line experience and can answer your questions after their presentation on signs of infection, ThriveRx's intervention program and the different types of line locks that are available. You can pre-register for the webinar at CVC Infections:Locking them up. Remember, if the time is not good for you, as long as you register a link to the recorded webinar will be emailed to you to watch at your leisure. Also, if you are a medical professional, this webinar will count toward your continuing education requirements.

As with all things in life, good things must come to an end so this spring I will be having my port replaced with a new one that I hope will last as long as the old one. As long as I can keep Living, Loving and Laughing with my Line, I am good to go.


My Line Kit