Live * Love * Laugh

Live * Love * Laugh

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Summer 2019 & the Oley Conference

Hi all, I hope everyone has been having a wonderful summer and staying cool! I can't remember the summer being so hot so early since before I my struggles with Short Bowel and dehydration began.  We started the summer with an extended  vacation to Orlando and Gulf Shores, AL for work and pleasure. Spending time with family in both places was always wonderful for me. Mike had a conference in Orlando so me and 2 of our boys tagged along before the 6th annual family vacation in Gulf Shores. I must say it was hot in both places so I made sure I stayed hydrated by infusing regularly as well as drinking my ORS daily. My days of basking in the sun all day aren't what they used to be when you have to worry about staying hydrated, medicines that cause cancer as well as  sun-damage to your skin. Nothing  can compare to relaxing at a gorgeous beach, watching Blue Angels practice overhead or playing with my 2 year old niece (and older nieces and nephews too).  Relaxing and spending time with the important people in my life are what keep me grounded and thankful. 

I had about a week recovery before heading to Memphis for the annual Oley Conference  with ThriveRx at the end of June. It had been several years since the last time I attended one so it was great to catch up with old friends and meet new consumers and caregivers. Per their website, "The Oley Foundation is a national, independent, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that strives to enrich the lives of patients dependent on home intravenous nutrition (parenteral) and tube feeding (enteral) through education, advocacy, and networking. The Foundation also serves as a resource for consumer’s families, clinicians and industry representatives, and other interested parties." Their conferences are packed with Researchers, Physicians, Registered Dietitians, consumers and caregiver who offer incite in what it's like to live with nutrition support and the best ways to treat it. My job duties this year included manning the Hydration Station with Maria Karimbakas RD & Kristie Brewton RN to teach nutritionally challenged people the signs and symptoms of dehydration and to sample 2 different types of ORS. This year we had the standard G2 with salt and  Trioral ORS with different flavors each day. The WHO recipe for G2 is 1/2 tsp salt per quart of fluid. You can mix Trioral with 1L of water and flavor to you preference. Since beginning hydration therapy, I have always used ORS from Jianas Brothers mixed with Propel water which I freeze to make it more palatable and longer-lasting on hot days. I could always taste a bit of salt with the Jianas product but I am now a fan of the Trioral packets. There was less salt taste with Trioral even when I freeze it. I am not a huge fan of Gatorade or G2 but will drink it if I have too and I prefer my Hamilton water over anything if I could drink it straight. Drinking plain water is not the best thing for my SBS and hydration issues so I have to supplement it with ORS. I brought several sample packets of the Trioral home and will plan on buying them in the future when my supply of them and the Jianas products runs out. Since I am a regular consumer of ORS, my job was to have patients and caregivers try the products to see which one they preferred and if they could taste the salt (for those with regular guts). It was surprising to see how many caregivers also tasted less salt in the Trioral product. 

ThriveRx also hosted an event for our consumers at the Memphis Redbirds ballgame Sunday afternoon where I re-connected with consumers and met many caregivers and patients with whom I have spoken with on the phone. In my current position with ThriveRx, I work with the Reimbursement department and consumers on insurance issues. I no longer speak with regular consumers but many different ones over the course of the month so it was nice to put a face to name. 

The Oley Conference is always informative and enjoyable. I am looking forward to their Regional Conference on September 15th in Columbus, Ohio.They are also hosting one in Boston in October. It's always a pleasure to connect with others just like me who are Living, Loving and Laughing through their nutritional issues. 

Love to all,


PS: I've tried to add links to ORS recipes, Trioral, Jianas Brothers and Oley regional conferences so if they don't work let me know. 

Stephanie, Ann, Redbird and me
Me & Kristie

The Advocate Staff