Live * Love * Laugh

Live * Love * Laugh

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Who needs support?

Throughout my years of having Crohn's and dealing with its ups and downs, I had always turned down the idea of speaking with a therapist or support group of any kind. During the times I was down I would find something to distract me and push my problems to the back of my mind and forget about them. I was too strong and proud to admit that sometimes I needed the help. :Like many Crohn's patients I learned to "Grin and Bear it". I was (and still am) really good at masking how I feel, putting a smile on my face and saying (or pretending sometimes) that I felt fine, my symptoms weren't that bad or nothing was bothering. At an early age I learned that a smile was much better than a frown and it made you and others feel better. Bottom line was I never wanted people to worry about me.

My upbeat attitude has worked against me also. When I look back on the past 4-5 years and what led me to having the surgery that changed my life...everything was not fine. I was very thin, but I wrote that off to exercising. I occasionally felt feverish and took Tylenol or Motrin so it would go away. I would have blockages that would clear themselves. There were too many things for me to do and I didnt' have time to be sick. So when I got sick, I got what I was trying to avoid -  a lot of people worrying about me. Still do and probably always will have.

The biggest thing that has changed for me and I have spoken of this before..I met someone like me with Crohn's, Short Bowel and TPN dependent. Don't get me wrong, I had met many others with Crohn's over the years and even volunteered for a CCFA advocacy program to meet up with others. I knew there were many people like me but I chose to suffer in private. Meeting Dave gave me the reassurance that life could and would go on. He and I have spoken many times in the past about starting a "positive" support group that will help others with our health limitations. I am proud to say we are having our second meeting in the Cincinnati area on Saturday September 6 from 1-3 pm at Dave's house. We are encouraging anyone with SBS, TPN dependent or not to attend. You never know what you might get out of it...Life is too short to smile everything a way!

One of the best ways to keep Living, Loving & Laughing is to share your experiences with might never know who you will help!

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