Live * Love * Laugh

Live * Love * Laugh

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Education update - ENFIt Transition for tube feeding

One of my goals for this blog includes education on nutrition support. As you know, I was on Total Parenteral Nutrition for 2.5 years until I was weaned off. However in the first several weeks I was briefly on j-tube feedings. For this type of this type of feedings, lines can be placed in your stomach, intestines or run through your nose to either your stomach or intestines to deliver much needed nutrition. Depending on your diagnosis or condition, a person can be fed through a tube or central line lines or both. Like TPN, tube feed formulas are infused by a pump attached to the tube. 

In 2015, the is going to be a global standardization in the connection system of tube feeds to reduce the possibility of misconnections. The ENFit transition will begin in the first quarter with transition sets being distributed to the US, Canada and Puerto Rico. ThriveRx is hosting a webinar called ENFit Transitions: The Why, What, When and How this will Impact You on Thursday, January 29th at 1-2pm est. 

You can register at  If you are unable to make the designated time, make sure you register and a copy of the webinar will be emailed to you to watch at your convenience.

You can also find more information about tube feedings at

With any medical condition, awareness needs to be raised so others understand what patients are going through, February 8-14 is Feeding Tube Awareness Week so spread the work so all those on Tube feeds can keep Living, Laughing and Loving along with all of us.

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