Live * Love * Laugh

Live * Love * Laugh

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

United We Stand - World IBD Day 2015

Today is World IBD day to raise awareness to those who suffer from Crohn's and Ulcerative  Colitis. People used to suffer from these diseases in silence but now more people are sharing and discussing their diseases and suffering with those around them. Some poeple rarely have flares while others suffer almost every day.  This year's global theme is "United We Stand" so those around the world how that they don't suffer alone. People were asked to share a 20 second vidoe describing how UC or Crohn's has affected them (sorry I forgot to do this). These powerful videos are from patients, spouses, parents, children, friends, doctors, nurses and care-givers from all over the world. Check out the links below of all the videos that were submitted.

I remember when I was diagnosed and knew no one else that had Crohn's Disease, I have met many interesting people in support groups, both online and in person that fight to cure Croh's and Ulcerative Colitis. No one has to suffer alone anymore. 

I encourage everyone to wear the IBD color of Purple today or any shirt that represents and raises awareness for IBD. I do not have much purple clothing so I am wearing my "Ask me abut my Crohn's Disease" t-shirr. and I have already had someone ask me about it! 

Wear your purple today to show your support for Wolrd IBD Day so those that are fighting daily can find a way to Live, Love and Laugh without pain and suffering.

#worldibdday #ibd #Crohs #ccfra

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