Live * Love * Laugh

Live * Love * Laugh

Monday, May 5, 2014

A beatiful May Day and Flying Pigs...

Spring has finally arrived in Cincinnati! The first weekend of May is always the Flying Pig Marathon and a bunch of other events. In 2010, prior to my surgery I had registered to walk in the Flying Pig 1/2 marathon in May. After my surgery for the bowel obstruction and SBS. one of my first questions to my Surgeon was would I be able to get healthy enough to compete in the race in May. I know he thought I was crazy for asking but I had completed it in 2009 and loved it and was looking forward to participatig in the event again. 

In early 2009, my sister in Dallas had already commited to the race with some of our cousins and wanted me to walk with her for support in case she was not prepared enough for the race. I thought abou it and figured I was in decent enough shape and had time to alter my work-outs to include several long walks to prepare. By the time Kathy flew in for the weekend, our 70 year old Dad had decided to walk also. We had a great day and several othe cousins walked with us along wth the thousands of others that were registered for the 1/2 marathon.  

After my surgery, then a second surgery for a lung infection, I realized that there was no way I could do 13.1 miles in 2 months. Initially after coming home, I could barely walk to the end of my driveway without assitance so 13.1 hilly miles was way out of the question. My sister, father, friends and cousins had registered to walk with me. On Sunday May 2, Mike and I woke up early to head down and cheer our family, friends and other participants on as they walked in the rain. We saw them around the 9-10 mile walk and then again at the end. After the race I found out that they had formed "Team Mickey" and walked in my honor! I was speechless, they knew how much this race meant to me and I was just happy being healthy enough to cheer them on!

Team Mickey 2010
SInce then Team Mickey has walked 4 more times including this year. My father is now 75 and completed his last 1/2 marathon yesterday. He had hardly prepared at all for the race but was determined to see me at the finish line. He and Kathy finished in 4 hours 16minutes and they make all of us proud! I have never asked them to walk for me but am honored none-the-less. I did have a few minutes of jealousy at the packet pick-up and expo, knowing I would never be able to compete with them on that level again.

This year the original "Team Mickey" had a beatiful spring day and added my neice to the crew. All finished in great time and I couldn't be more proud of them! These special people support me in more ways than I can every express to keep me "Living,Loving & Laughing"!

Team Mickey 2014

Team Mickey 2014 along the race course and at the finish line!


  1. omg so proud of you ....being sbs myself that was my biggest fear not being able to run or exercise again was a slow process but i did it with the help of Thriverx and their team and bowel rehab.....


  3. Thanks. I 'm not running the 1/2's anymore...I clickec on your link but can't see the article on you. Can you send me a copy?

  4. Wow you are totally inspirational. I am on HPEN. Can you give me info about how to contact ThriveRX? I am getting a total run around with the one I am using, and am losing a lot of weight while waiting for the company to return my phone calls.

    1. Losing weight is never good if you are on TPN, they should be looking out for you. I would love to discuss your issues with you, feel free to email me at Michelle
