Live * Love * Laugh

Live * Love * Laugh

Friday, May 9, 2014

Short Bowel Diet??

One of my goals with this blog is to educate others with SBS on things that effect us differently. It didnt' take me long to realize how different foods affected me differently my initial surgery. At the time I only had inches of small bowel and everything literally flew through me. I couldn't make it through a meal without going to the bathroom at least twice. Certain foods went through faster like Coke and ice cream (those malts I craved were not doing me much good!). In the fall of 2011, I had a revision of my small bowel and jejunostomy which left me with about 2' of small bowle and an ileostomy (an ostomy further down the small bowel). Not long after this surgery, my surgeon started weaning me off TPN. After a visit each month, he would try dropping a bag to see how I would do. At the same time I started working with a Short Bowel Dietician at ThriveRx on what is the best foods to eat. Between this surgery and following the diet, I am able to stay off TPN.

ThriveRx offers Webinars for the Maximize Health! program specifically designed for patients with Short Bowel Syndrome. On Wednesday, May 14th at 1pm, there will be a webinar about "How to Thrive on a Short Bowel Syndrome Diet" by my dietician, Maria Karimbakas. If you would like to register for the webinar you can do so at the link below. Don't worry if the you can't make that time, just resgister and and copy of the webinar will be emailed to you to watch at your convenience.  

Also, Happy Mother's Day to all our mothers out there! We wouldn't be here without out you! Thanks for allowing us to Live, Love and Laugh!

1 comment:

  1. OMG I got goose bumps reading this cause with thriverx i know i never would be where i am today...can't wait for this webinar
