Live * Love * Laugh

Live * Love * Laugh

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Crohn's? Chronic? Whatever?!?!!

This journey I am on started way back in the mid-80's as a teenager. The actual date is hard to pinpoint but during the fall of 1984 I started having changes in my bowel habits, pain in my gut, fevers and weight loss. The weight loss I didn't mind at the time since I was eating whatever I wanted and not gaining...not the best thinking I realize now but I was young and naive. My first diagnosis was an ulcer but I am sure I didn't tell the doctor all my symptoms (really, who wants to talk about going to the bathroom??) Finally in January 1985, my mom came home to me lying on the couch in pain and had enough. She called our family doctor and told him she was taking me to the ER to find out what was going on. Now I was an ER veteran for broken bones and stitches but this experience, was completely different. They were not sure what they were looking for so I received my first pelvic exam and my first sigmoidoscopy, not a pleasant way to be introduced to either. I was admitted for more testing (my first colonoscopy and barium series YUM! NOT!) which I thought was cool because I was missing school. Finally, I was given a diagnosis of Ulcerative Colitis, a script for prednisone and discharged. 

Things seemed okay for several months until I spent spring break in Texas with my sister. I am not sure what caused it, if anything, but I remember a lot of a pain and phones calls to Mom.  This was my first flare, I'm not sure if I was still on prednisone or not but soon after that I was referred to my first Gastroenterologist (GI). He scheduled another colonoscopy for the summer (the prep was castor oil! YUCK!) to see for himself what was going on. This time I got the diagnosis of Crohn's Disease and that it was chronic...what? Honestly what 17 year old understands what chronic means? Sure I understood the definition but not how it pertained to my life. The doctor’s office gave us some basic information about Crohn’s and the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation (CCFA) but other than that I had no support or information on how to deal with this new thing in my life.

I have to go for now…just heard the dogs getting into something and the kids need to eat! So for now keep on Living, Loving & Laughing.


  1. Mick - I remember that trip to TX. We took you to my family doctor because you were so sick. He mentioned that since you had been spiking fevers that you might have "something called Crohn's".

    Of course, we had not heard of it at that time. Nor did we realized the implications of having that disease!

    <3 you always. You're my inspiration. Kath

  2. so glad you posted yesterday ..just read i said i am a SBS pt X 6yrs ...I am on only oral nutrution ..thank god i am back to my love of exercise even thought it is hard to balance intake to my output of calories ...but right now i am going thru a rough spot GI wise do you handle those ..trying not to get down but not easy ...

  3. Hi! I find staying upbeat and positive half the battle sometimes. Can you get outside for a walk and/or sunshine? The winter gray days are tough, I will open all the shades to let in a lot of light too.

    I just read a great tip the other day that I will have to try - Write yourself a "rainy day letter" listing all your blessings and what brings you happiness and then on those tough days pull it out and read it to remind yourself why you keep fighting!!

    Stay positive - Michelle

    1. Thank you , going to try letter...I think you are right about gray winter cold days ...I am an out side runner and walker and biker so I guess being stuck in gym is getting to me ..

    2. Maybe it's time to bundle up and fight thru cold and snow ...lord knows I am a fighter...

  4. Michelle, I've known you for a couple of years now, but really never heard your story from the very beginning. I'm loving this blog, and it just reinforces what an inspiration you are to everyone! Karen
