Live * Love * Laugh

Live * Love * Laugh

Thursday, February 20, 2014

The first blog of many...I hope

I never thought I would start a blog but here goes! Life changing surgery 4 years ago caused more changes in my life than how my plumbing works. I find that I want to interact with others that have Short Bowel Syndrome, Crohn’s Disease, ileostomies and malabsorption issues. Prior to 2010 I had several bowel resections and never thought much beyond what happens after they take out the bad stuff and sew me back up. I never thought about what would happen if too much came out, just thought everything would sort itself out like it always had. As a wife & mother of 3 boys, I want to share what life is like having Short Bowel Syndrome and how I live it. I have had a lot of help along the way from my family, physicians, Infusion Company and others just like me to accept my new life. I am not a medical person so please don’t take what I say works for me and run to you Doctor, what works for one of us doesn’t mean it will work for all.

My hope for this blog is to provide inspiration and support to those with similar health issues. I might invite others to guest blog either from a patient, spouse, parent or caretaker point of view. I would like patients (new & old) to know that they are not alone but can find support either with me or others they might connect to on this blog. Feel free to ask questions and I will try to answer honestly and to the best of my ability. Living with chronic illness or conditions is tough…on everyone but we can lean on and learn from each other. So for now keep on Living, Loving & Laughing.


  1. OMG you have done something I have wanted to do for years ....thank you ..I hope this is the first of many posts to your blog...

  2. Great start to a lifelong conversation for those that suffer chronic illnesses and their family members and friends that also share their journey. Can't wait to see the response!

  3. My wife showed me this blog. She works at Prodigy Title. I have Chron's disease and I am looking forward to reading more from you.
