Live * Love * Laugh

Live * Love * Laugh

Friday, February 28, 2014

Rare Disease Awarness Day

Instead of filling you in on more of my story I would like to instead raise awareness for Rare Disease Day. A Rare disease in defined as disease or disorder affecting less than 245,000 people in the US (or 1 in 2000 in the EU). The over 6000 rare diseases can have varying symptoms from patient to patient and disease to disease. Many rare diseases have common symptoms that get overlooked and misdiagnosed leading to incorrect or no treatment. Also many of the diseases have no specific cure which can add pressure to the patient and their families either socially, emotionally and financially.

This years theme is CARE which can include special equipment, medicines, physical therapy, respite care for for patient and family and research. So lets all Join Together for Better Care.

So for now keep on Living Loving and Laughing!

More information can be found at

Rare Disease Day Facebook banner

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