Live * Love * Laugh

Live * Love * Laugh

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Crohn's? Chronic? Whatever... Part 2

A little more of the story...

So I continued on with life, went to college, met my future husband and dealt with the occasional flare up. Prednisone became my friend but I wasn't always regular in taking it, I would take it pretty much when I remembered. When I look back over this period of my life, it seems like most special events were marked by the typical “moonface” of Prednisone. The “chronic” part of the disease really meant nothing to me, medicine made me feel better when I felt like crap but the disease really wasn’t interfering with my life that much. Within the first year of my marriage, I started having more symptoms than the meds couldn't control and surgery was brought up for the first time. In the summer of 1991 I had my first resection and started to feel better. I just "knew" that I had beat Crohn's and my life would be so much better. Several years later I started experiencing problems again and surgery was recommended. This is when I finally understood that I was going to deal with Crohn's and it's effect on my body for the rest of my life. I remember coming home from a Doctor's appointments in shock and got pulled over for speeding (I really just wanted to get home to my husband and cry!)...I must have been a sight because they let me off with warning and this was a city that never gave warnings!

In February 1995, I had my 2nd resection of the large bowel. I was left with about 10% of my large intestines and rectum. I didn't take me long to realize that food went right through me. I lived on Imodium and when that didn't work Pepto-Bismol did! The best part of this surgery was that it left me healthy enough to start a family!

Below is a picture of my 4 boys! The lights of my life!! One has been with me for almost my entire journey and the others added along the way! They are what keep me Living, Loving and Laughing!!! 

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