Live * Love * Laugh

Live * Love * Laugh

Friday, March 14, 2014

Under the weather...

Sorry for the long time between posts but I have been fighting a head cold/flu for the last two weeks and finally feeling better. On top of that I had two boys home sick with the flu also.  It's been awhile since I've been that sick and have forgotten how much it takes out of you! The medicine I am on for my Crohn's Disease works great to keep me in remission but is an immunosuppressive so it takes me longer to fight anything off. I religiously get the flu shot so I hope it kept me from being sicker than I was.

Anytime you are sick with a chronic condition, you need to be more cautious of staying hydrated. My body reacts quickly when I am not feeling well and paying attention to what I'm drinking. I try to drink 1 liter of Oral Rehydration Solution ( basically salt water) that my kids lovingly call "crap water"! 😝 If a normal person were to drink it, it would taste like a big gulp of ocean , but when you tend to be dehydrated, the salt isn't so noticeable. I like it mix the ORS with Propel water and keep it very cold. During the hotter months, I freeze them and carry them with me wherever I go. I have even found these awesome bottle tube socks called "Freakers" which come in a bunch of fun designs (flags, penguins, & plaid to name a few) and stretch to fit many bottle shapes and sizes. Another thing I can do is infuse extra IV fluids to fill in what I can't take orally. 

With my next post, I will continue the story of how I came to have SBS, TPN and all the other changes in my life. But for now I am just happy to feel up to Living, Loving and Laughing again!


  1. Take care Michelle: rest, hydrate (and protein) and get well soon. kev (freedomkev)

  2. I use the Jianas Brothers ORS and mix it with Propel water. Found it works best for me.
