Live * Love * Laugh

Live * Love * Laugh

Monday, March 10, 2014

Hydration Matters...all the time!

One of the things I struggle with from SBS is hydration due to the lack of large bowel. A goal of this blog is to educate others with Chronic Health issues of other issues that might be affecting their body. ThriveRx has a Webinar series geared specifically to people with Short Bowl Syndrome called Maximixe Health! This month's webinar is on Hydration Matters focusing on learning the signs of dehyration and how to stay hydrated. These webinars played a large part in my goal to wean off TPN. Whether or not you have SBS, I hope you find them as educational as I have.

You can register at the link below. The best thing about them is if time isn't good for you, register and a link will be emailed to you of the completed webinar.

Staying hydrated has allowed me to keep Living, Loving and Laughing!

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