Live * Love * Laugh

Live * Love * Laugh

Monday, December 1, 2014

Giving Thanks and Making a Wish...or two

Happy Belated Thanksgiving..I have much to be thankful for especially my husband, sons, parents, siblings, in-laws, wonderful friends and extended family. Most especially I have my life to be thankful for, I get to enjoy spending time with all those mentioned above. I also get to wake up each day to spend time in the beautiful world we live in (even on ugly, rainy days like today!). Sometimes it's hard to be thankful when you are going through rough patches with your health or relationships. 

Yesterday I caught a TV clip about how the Make a Wish foundation got it's start. It was a very touching piece about a young cancer patient who wanted to grow up to be a police officer and his mother worked out a deal with the local police force to make him an officer for a day. She even tailored an official uniform to fit him. It was one of the best days of his life but sadly he passed 2 days later. This act of kindness has grown into an amazing organization that have granted wishes & dreams for thousands of health-compromised children. 

It was a very touching piece that got me thinking about what I wish for...I wish that for a healthy long life for me and my family, that illness, disease, or accidents  do not affect those I love, a world without riots, war or discrimination, that my children grow up healthy and happy and follow their hearts to find love and happiness, that I can live each day to it's fullest, and that I can connect with others with similar health conditions to not feel alone and adjust to their new "normal".  

I am realistic enough to know that some of my wishes won't come true but I can try to make my life and the lives around me better by just being here to pass on a positive outlook and welcoming smile to those that need it. Every life is worth someway we help each other to Live, Love & Laugh another day.  

(FYI you can find more Wish organizations for children and adults at )

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