Live * Love * Laugh

Live * Love * Laugh

Thursday, December 4, 2014

You look great...

This is something an IBD'er hears a lot! You look great on the outside but feel absolutely horrible on the inside. Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis are 'invisible" diseases, you can't tell that someone has them by just looking at them. Many of us have figured out how to deal with the pain and cramping, diarrhea, weight loss, fatigue,  bathroom urgency, medication side effects among other things to hide that we are feeling well. Over the past 30 years, I have learned how to hide or pass off all of the symptoms listed above, not only from friends and co-workers but also from my husband, Mike. I allowed myself to hide what was going wrong because I didn't want or have time to be "sick". I just dealt with it. I was also diagnosed when there was not much information on Crohn's available or at your finger tips like there is today. So I learned how to suffer alone.

Thankfully, this is IBD Awareness week to raise awareness for those suffering with Crohn's & Colitis. People like me don't have to suffer alone anymore. has many resources for newly diagnosed patients as well as those who are still struggling with their illness. Facebook has many(closed) groups for those with IBD that you can join and share your pain with those that understand what you are experiencing. The closed pages allow you to share the pain and often embarrassing symptoms without grossing out or overly worrying those you love. I have found much support from both reading and contributing in these groups. Reading about others experiences allows me to learn how better I can manage my disease and also encourage others to live their life. is a social organization group that raises awareness for IBD along with encouraging patients to embrace their disease, spread awareness and to be proud of their experience.

You shouldn't have to hide behind closed door anymore if you suffer from IBD. So wear purple, post a #IBDselfie and share your story. Go out in the world to Live, Love and Laugh even though you are hurting..someone understands what you are going through!

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