Live * Love * Laugh

Live * Love * Laugh

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Wishing everyone A Merry Christmas!

 It never ceases to amaze me how quickly the year passes and it's Christmas time again. Everyone is in high spirits (or trying to be) during this time of shopping, wrapping, baking and celebrating. But there are many that are not well enough to get out to shop or celebrate or are financially strapped due to exorbitant medical bills, it's a tough time of year. You feel alone and out of the spirit. It takes much energy to "get it all done" whether you are a "normal" or "medically challenged". I personally have been taking more naps and saying no to invites or at least trying to. But it's hard when you don't want to hurt others feelings. 

For me the magic is just starting, the presents are bought & wrapped and cookies baked (I actually relinquished this task to my boys, messy kitchen and all! See I am trying!) Tomorrow will be a day for just the 5 of us but will be squished between days of family celebrations. In one way or another, we will get to see our entire immediate families (athough due to travel schedules, not all at the same time!) I will try and stay away from all the sweets I am not supposed to eat and follow my SBS diet but I know I will cheat a bit. Naps will be scheduled so I can be at my best and most chipper. They boys have asked to attend midnight Mass tonight, which I agreed if we could stay in bed until 9! Not sure if that will happen but I hope so (although they are teenagers and seem to sleep all morning but for some reason they wake early on Christmas!)

To all my friends I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas, Maligayang Pasko, Happy Hanukkah, Feliz Navidad, Happy Kwanza, Happy Boxing Day, and Happy Holidays. To those of you who do not celebrate those religious holidays or none at all I wish you peace and health this Holiday Season so that all may continue to Live, Love and Laugh into the New Year.


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